I ended up nearly painting an entire layer of paint in my efforts to finish up the Two Green Stars painting. Edges look nice though. And Twinkle Twinkle needs something still. A varnish I think, but later.
I was also working on a drawing. There are large areas of yellow and I was using a highlighter to lay in the color. It was actually doing a great job, even color, spread out decently, robust on the khaki paper. So I am thinking what kind is it exactly, in case I can find another one. It turns out to be Aroma Accent, an aromatherapy highlighter. Sure enough, a big whiff smelled of Lemon Pledge. How had I missed that scent? The small print called the color “Invigorate”.
I re-checked my work to make sure it really was smooth, and not that I was lulled into a sense of euphoria brought on by Invigorate.
What is aromatherapy anyway? What about the smell causes the invigoration? Surely my highlighter does not have actual essence of lemon in it (Organic Sharpies!)? So the lemon smell is not of lemon origin? Then what about the smell of lemon, as my brain recognizes it, gives the effect? Turns out that lemon oil essence is not only stimulating, but also has anti-viral properties. But back to the highlighter, is it actual essence of lemon in it, or something designed to trick my nose into thinking it is lemon, and does it make a difference in the benefits? But maybe the highlighter has real lemon, perhaps the oil is what makes it so smooth?
Google tells me that the essential oils in aromatherapy affect the limbic system in the brain. The limbic system is directly connected to the part that controls the heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress level and hormone balance. This is why essential oils have such a powerful effect on our moods and general state of mind. That does not tell me if fake scents can trick my brain. Here’s to real smells, organic smells! In that vein, I hope there are lavender highlighters, I do love purple.
Now, I wanted to address something is yesterdays post. I used the term ‘dank weed’. While I am certainly no stranger to the benefits of a good organic herb, I have to question my use of that verbiage. I have never used the term in actual conversation, not even the conversation I probably heard it in. Who was I trying to sound cool for? It grates on me when I read it. So, henceforth, I will try to write me in a more authentic voice. I might not be cool, but I am original. I will just go with that!
Back to tidying up.
Surrender, yet prepare. Ask, yet expect. - The Universe
P.S. The painting today is acrylic on 3'x4' wooden panel. It was created in 2009, probably late summer. No name yet.