Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day Two Hundred Eighty Six: The Universe has a sense of humor.

This morning I had a little coffee and gossip session with my niece, the usual. I was telling her about the cute, tall boy I had met at the party. How particularly striking he was and his effect on the women in the room. The glancing encounter we had. As I was getting rather animated with my description of my favored archetype, something odd happened. The music player on my phone began to play a song.

Now, I do not know how it happened to come on, it was sitting on the coffee table. And I don't know how it made its selection of music to play because I had not played that particular artist for perhaps a year and not at all on my new phone. But there in the midst of my ephemeral longing for tall, strong and sexy, the deep, throaty voice sings: "I'm Your Man". That is one of the sexiest songs I know (thank you Leonard Cohen) and kind of makes me weak in the knees.

I paused it, though I was curious still. I had to go. I finished up the coffee, said good bye and headed out to go biking where I turned it back on. Turns out there was a really strange threesome of random tracks lined up to speak to me. 

The incredible voice of Leonard reminding me that some tall, strong and sexy could be really, really fine. 

I'm Your Man! Leonard Cohen

Next in my awakening today, came a song by my good friend Matthew Winters: "Vast and Charming". It is a song I love and ask often if he will play it for me and he seldom does, claiming that it is too old and he barely remembers. It begins with "I go out to find my myself, I wander through the vast and charming world, meandering a life without a purpose..." and ending with a line in it that screamed to me again: "I went out to find myself and I was in your vast and charming eyes". Oh shit! I heard dancing in my thoughts as randoms on my phone played on.

Then, I nearly fell over when the third and what turned out to be final selection played for me. (Mind, I have no idea how random works on the droid music player) It was a spoken piece by Dr Wayne Dyer: "The Seventy Second Verse of the Tao Te Ching". That verse advises me to remain in awe, and total acceptance, preferring what is within to what is without. It tells me to avoid self limits, accept my body as a perfect creation and allow my life to unfold in accordance with its own nature. 

Heavy stuff. Fun and sexy is my nature and I am a perfect creation... Enjoy? Unfold? I'm your man!

Sure, coincidence, my own interpretation, random... I don't really care, it seemed divine to me. I am rolling with it. If the universe wants to bowl me over, I am listening. Then silence returned. I rode and rode, humming a happy tune.

So, I am in awe:

Wednesday, October 13: Sharpie on paper, 9x12

P.S. I know he will appear in his own good time. I prepare now though. Who knows from what direction we might intersect. I am thankful I was reminded to be open. It could happen at any Now. So much else is happening, why not.

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