Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day Sixty: Heavenly Bodies

I feel heavenly bodies orbiting around me. Or perhaps I am in their orbit. No matter really, I am enjoying them either way.  They add interest to my day, spice to my visuals, juice to my loins. 

Their patterns seem random, rendering them continually fascinating. I watch and I ponder and add my spin to the mix. The swirling has me giddy. I think my skin glows and my smile blends smirk with knowing. My art keens to take a turn, dreaming of captured souls, stealing colors from auras, moving brushes into crevices.

At least in my head. And there the possibilities grow.

March 1: Acrylic paint on canvas, 24"x48". I love this one. Its heavenly bodies are happy.

"Care I for the limb, the thews, the stature, bulk, and big assemblance of a man!  Give me the spirit"  ~William Shakespeare          (my apologies William, I will take  both!)

1 comment:

  1. alright. so i see this takes up a lot of your time... well this and out weekend adventures. so i guess i'll cut you some slack on my tattoo... maybe
