While I was walking, the moist goodness that is the Spokane river flowing by, I started thinking about Dr. Masaru Emoto and his work with water. Dr. Emoto is a Japanese author known for his claim that if human speech or thoughts are directed at water droplets before they are frozen, images of the resulting water crystals will be beautiful or ugly depending upon whether the words or thoughts were positive or negative. Emoto claims this can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water.
Positive & Negative Energy Effects on Water Crystals
I am hoping that our crystals are feeling good. There are some really cool stars in there!
And part of the day I found myself parked in a lot on the lake where there was a sign proclaiming it "Bald Eagle Viewing Area". I did not see anything in flight at all, but I was treated to a cadre of binocular bearing bald eagle watchers. And they were treat enough. Apparently bald eagles are attracted to khaki: khaki slacks, khaki vests, khaki floppy brimmed hats. And size does matter, I have never seen such large binoculars, hanging on wizened necks, craning for a glimpse of regal feathers. Ah, I love the passionate.
January 24: Sharpie on Postcard paper. 4"x6"
I want to mix rigid lines with wanton scribble. Next up, confusion.
Surrender - "
The Universe
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