Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day Twenty Nine: Quiet Expectation is always amazing.

My very good friend Sage showed me some amazing uses for duct tape.  Rather,  on the new rolls, it calls itself Duck Tape. And the colors are endless.

Sage has mastered a Duck tape wallet, I have requested my very own but as an artist, he needs time to create one for me. But tonight, sweet, there was a Duck Tape b-ball hoop. The net was so cool. And I can shoot a mean duck tape hoop!

Thanks Sage, what else you got?

As for me, I have this, tardy, but presentable:


January 29: silver sharpie on black construction, 9"x12"
Sage is making me a Duck tape head band. I can't wait. I am starting to sound needy, a wallet and a head band....

What can I give to you sweet Sage?

Ah, I do love fridays, and friends. And art.

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