Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day Nineteen: Junk mail is better than no male!

I snuck out of work an hour early tonight. I felt like crap all day; or maybe that I needed a crap all day. Bodies are such high maintenance vehicles. But I could think no longer of the task at hand so I took my leave. The minute I stepped outside, fresh air, freedom, I felt better. The more steps, the better I felt.

I feel good now. Hours later, a glass of cabernet, a chat with a friend, vigorous petting of the yorkie, settled the body and mind.A good sleep will finish the job.

By the way, Nick fixed my heads. The van runs again. Jubilation for me was only bested by the intrepid mechanic himself. 30something and it was his first head job. Gad. But she purrs like a kitten so he must have set that gasket just right!

And, speaking of kittens... sure do miss having a cat around. And all the mice around just beg for a cat to make a good living here. I would call him something fruity like Magenta or Picasso(Pablo for short). And he would hang around in the studio and reflect my opinion in his eyes. In short he would be the king of intelligent cats. Of course. (Alcor, you are the Emperor of Intelligent Cats!) Sigh.

And, at the last minute:

January 19: 9"x12", Metallic Silver Sharpie on Black Construction Paper.

Now, back I go to embrace orgiastic communion.

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