Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day Thirty Three: Back to basics

So, I was thinking that I need to get back to basics here. The art has been getting increasingly further buried in the bowels of the post. So, I move thee back to the Top:

February 2: Sharpie on Watercolor paper, 9"x12"

New art is getting some strange new colors. Funky cool colors.In paint.


I was going to sign off, then I realized the emptiness of the gesture to declare to "Move the Art to the Top" of the post if there is no bottom to lift it up. Elevate it above the bottom.

Sure, It at the top, of a one story structure.

That thought brought me to here.

Calvin just breezed in with french fries for me to scarf up. I am greasy fingered.
Good Day

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