Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day One Hundred Ninety Five: How long do smells last?

This morning I was doing some cleaning outside. There was a garbage can that needed to be emptied. However it had been outside for a while, rain had invaded. The tilt to the side had the most rancid water begin to pour out. The smell is as close as I can tell, rotten chickens and chicken coop smell. I immediately lost my egg and toast from breakfast. Once I was voided and could lose no more, I completed the task. The mess was dumped onto the trailer to the dump. 
Okay, back to other concerns... Except that nasty smell...

I took the hose out and washed out the can, hosed down the ground where the water dumped. I went and washed my hands. Then took a shower and changed all my clothing. Still the smell persisted. I assumed that it must have gotten on my shoes, removed them, washed them in the sink and set them to dry. Still the smell. I smelled it all day, at work, in my car, on my hands. Repeated washings did nothing, lotion did nothing.

I am supposing my nasal passage is scarred and scared right now. It can't forget.  
Sigh, I am sure that its a metaphor for something... I refuse to contemplate. 

Wednesday, July 14: pastel, acrylic, paper, 18"x24"

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