Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day One hundred Ninety Two: New Moon

My body and the moon have the same rhythm. We go dark, peak, and flow on a wave of celestial energy.As long as I have the fore thought to look up and remain aware, the wave is an exciting ride. Everyone can feel the pulse.

I know Luna, I get all mushy when we collide.

Earlier today I took a float on the river, a beautiful summer adventure. Well, not so much adventure as a trusted thrill; a couple of unexpected rocks under the cover of waves to leave a mark on my hull, blessed relief from summer sun. It was faster water than I remember, there was no party crew, we floated. Happily, quickly and soon we finished.

And there I was... early in the day really, 2. On other trips, 2pm was usually when we all finally got to the start, te down stream car stashed, the final raft puffed. A final check of the cooler, the keys, the slather of sunscreen and finally we go.

So. Not yet burnt, not finished, no expected anywhere.

Ah. Find a friend that will ride a bike. Yes. And it was everything I hoped for and more.

Sunday, July 11: flow and ebb and sharpie.

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