Friday, July 30, 2010

Day Two Hundred Ten: The Thin Line

How much is too much, and when is it not enough. Too much sun, or not enough vitamin D. A nice cruise on the bike or a body that can't recover from the push. Right now I am a roasted glow of over exposure to the sun from my bike rides and a couple of float trips. I am feeling the smooth rhythm that comes from riding often and consistently. I am feeling good and fast and sassy. 

I stopped smoking cigarettes just over six weeks ago. I think I started getting faster right after that. Duh. It took a couple weeks to stop hacking up all the crap from my lungs. But that part seems to be over. I am certain it was quickened by the daily rides.  I can breath deeply without phantom chest pains. Ridiculous, this obvious outcome. I love to ride, how I stopped or slowed that in the past I don't know why. I do know that without the bike, I am less than myself. Odd but true. 

And so, I ride.  

And then some days I think that I ride because I am lazy. It is so much easier to roll than to walk. I can sit down, there is coasting of course. My bike can carry packages and park close to the door. I don't have to go to the gym, or to the gas station as often. I always have an excuse for my windblown 'do and my salty smell.  

And at the end of the day, when the bike is resting, the body is ingesting, then resting, it is good to have a friend nearby. Danger is my friends cat and he is just recovering from a near death experience I swear. He was all skinny and wobbly. But the cat doctor poked and prodded and he seems to be getting better now. His coat is shiny again, though his eyes are still weepy. Oh, Danger.

Thursday, July 29: I heard live music and rode 25 miles today. I am inspired. 

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