Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day Two Hundred Fifty One: The World Shifted

I have energy to burn. And then I get burnt. 

So much to do in a life based on Art and Biking. I barely have enough time to do the minimum I would like in each. I would ride for hours daily, but Art would kill me. I need to attend to that too. If the stupid daily grind did not get in the way, oh the things I would do, see and create. 

Soon. I have plans for you my pretty. Until then, I do what I am blessed to be able to do, creating and biking and writing. Yes, Soon.

Wednesday, September 8: Sharpie on paper, 9x12

1 comment:


    I like to doodle and write letters in my spare time.... this reminded me of you...

    Conforming Repression vs.
    Creative Expression
