Friday, September 17, 2010

Day Two Hundred Sixty: I Bike, I Write, I Speak

Another week at the grind has been laid to rest and I relish the weekend. I speak tomorrow about my biking to those looking for humor in my words. My first competition with my Toastmasters group and I am nearly ready. I of course selected a topic I love and know: biking and me. Since me and my bikes have been more consistent than me and boys, me and work, me and any other thing in my life, it was a good choice. My bike never fails me, even when I sometimes fail myself. 

But together we make a formidable pair and I feel confident in my talk. And I am sticking to that story. 

Wish me luck.

Friday, September 17: Pastel and Sharpie on paper, 9x12

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